Welcome back ladies and gents.
Checkpoint Reached has taken a beefy three month vacation and now we're back! (Just like the movie about the dinosaurs). We apologize for the long break in the show-flow but we got a juicy episode coming at you. In the first segment we discuss the best and worst video game characters in the industry. Gears of War fans beware: We don't like the cast.
The second segment introduces something we are calling "The Checkpoint Reached Gameboner!" In this edition of Gameboner Ray and Eli talk about Halo 3: ODSTs launch and reflect on highlights though out the whole series. Man, oh man, what an episode!
Cast: Eli Kineg, Ray Hartmeyer, Ben Tolmachoff
Yeah you posted another podcast...and yeah I'm the only one that posted :P
Cool! We have a loyal fan! Too bad this must be some sort of cruel joke or else the anonymity would not have been necessary.
Yeah, its probably just my mom.
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