Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sony's Big Announcement : PS2 Drops to $99.

"In February, Activision executives publicly expressed their doubts about the PlayStation 2. Speaking with analysts following yet another record earnings report, the company said that their continued support of the nine-year-old console would be contingent on Sony cutting its price.

Just over one month later, Activision and potential PS2 owners looking for frugal recession-era entertainment saw their wishes granted. Beginning on April 1, Sony is cutting the price of the PS2 in the US and Canada to $99/C$99. That's a $30 discount from the previous price point of the console, which was set at $129.99 back in 2006, two years after a dramatically thinner "Slimline" form factor was introduced."

Source: www.gamespot.com

Personally this doesn't affect me. I was hoping that the price of the PS3 would be dropped. I guess I will just keep having to wait.