I was straightening up my game collection today when I came across a few games that I have owned for a long time, and have never even played before. Pictured above are games that I either have never so much as put them into a game console, or played for 10 minutes and turned off. The list for me is as follows:
Shenmue II(I never even played Shenmue 1.)
Ultimate spiderman
Marc Ecko's Getting up
Final Fantasy Tactics War of the lions
Metriod prime 2 Echoes (I am going to get killed for this.)
ICO(And this too)
and Digital Devil Saga
This saddens me but I know that I am not the only one whom this plagues. In the comments below list the games that you have neglected and we will read them on episode 6 of the checkpoint reached podcast.
Hell I own MGS2 and I have never played it. I also only played RE4 for the first Chapter...
Final Fantasy XII
The Witcher
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
Armored Core 4,
All Pro Football 2k8,
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3,
Battlestations Midway,
Culdcept Saga,
Gears of War 2,
Lara Croft Tomb Raider Legends,
MLB 2k8,
Rainbow Six Vegas,
Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection,
Two Worlds,
College Hoops 2k8,
Ninja Gaiden Sigma,
Fatal Frame,
Okami, Titan Quest, COmpany of Heroes campaign, Sim City 4, Enter the Matrix, POP Sands of Time, Jak II, Dark Sector, Marvel Ultimate Alliance,
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